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Chinese translation for "to yen"


Related Translations:
yenes:  耶内斯叶涅斯
yen:  n.〔sing., pl.〕圆,日元〔日本货币单位,略 ¥〕。n.〔俚语〕(汉语中的)瘾;热望,渴望。 a yen for knowledge 求知识的热望。 a yen to write 写作的热情。 have a yen on 渴想。vi.(-nn-) 热望 (for)。
vinh yen:  永安
yen dung:  安勇
yen lac:  安乐
mui yen:  燕角
tien yen:  先安
thuan yen:  顺安
duong yen:  阳安
hoi yen:  会安
Example Sentences:
1.At tokyo disneyland , major foreign currencies can be changed to yen at the bank weekdays from 9 a . m . to 3 p . m . only in
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